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Mayor Meanswell

Milford Meanswell is the mayor of LazyTown, and he takes his job very seriously. He volunteered for the job (since no one else would do it), and now he feels personally responsible for the happiness and well-being of every single person in town.

Mayor Meanswell is a passionate advocate of LazyTown and loves everything about it. He loves that it’s the laziest place on Earth. He loves that the town has its very own health hero who is the sworn enemy of laziness. And he loves that the hero has a nemesis! How can one man be in favor of all these contradictory things? Well, he is a politician, after all.



bessie and mayor

There’s one thing that Mayor Meanswell loves most of all, and it’s top secret. (Or at least he thinks it is). The Mayor has a whopping crush on Bessie Busybody. The truth is, everyone in town knows, but Mayor Meanswell thinks his secret is safe, and no one wants to embarrass him.

The Mayor is Stephanie’s uncle. They live together in a quaint cottage that has been in the family for generations. He tends to his little house with loving care, patching the roof and watering the one flower in his garden. He’s planning on putting an addition onto the house for Stephanie and painting it her favorite color, pink.

Bessie Busybody

Bessie is LazyTown’s joyfully loud busybody. A gleeful gossip, Bessie embodies the LazyTown ethic. Which is why it’s so weird that she’s Sportacus’s mom.

“ Oh, tell me about it!” She constantly says to anyone who will listen! “Where did I go wrong?! Did I not give him enough candy, or let him watch enough TV? But he has to go off, jump-ing here, jumping there, like some sort of jumping machine! Why can’t he just sit and eat cake for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks like a normal boy?!”

Despite her histrionics, Bessie loves her son dearly. She just thinks he’s confused.

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