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The Origins Story

About a generation ago, there was a group of kids who liked to hang out in LazyTown’s Town Square – kids not unlike the kids who hang out there today, except that their leader was meaner. He was a bossy little boy named Robbie and the other kids paid a lot of attention to him because he always broke the rules and ate lots of candy and generally lived the LazyTown ideal. One of Robbie’s favorite things to do was tease Alex, a young, weak little kid who tried to tag along with the group. Robbie got lots of attention teasing Alex, Alex felt miserable, and that’s the way it was.

One day a magnificent, gigantically cool airship, the likes of which no one had ever seen, drifted over the skies of LazyTown. And more amazing still, it moored right in the center of town and lowered a rope. All of the kids were fascinated. They munched on their chocolates and watched as a sinewy old man slid down the rope, performed a few incredible acrobatic feats, and introduced himself. His name was Sportacus 9 and he was weird – apple-eating, exercising, sharing-his-stuff kind of weird. And let’s not even talk about that strange, pointy mustache.

And yet... there was something cool about him. Especially to young Alex. While Robbie and the others quickly got bored and went back to lying around and munch-ing their ‘LazyTown Choco-Yummies’ (which by the way, are probably the best candies ever), Alex started exercising and eating like Sportacus, in the hope that one day he too could perform such amazing feats. And he was amazed to discover that it was... fun.

One day, not long after, Sportacus 9 announced that he had to move on (he was only passing through). But before he left, he gave young Alex an old, old wooden box and told him, very solemnly, that if Alex continued to practice, eat right, and work hard, then, when he was old enough he could open the box and there would be something inside that would change his life.

As Alex got older, he became stronger, healthier, and more confident – until the day came for him to open the box. Inside was a beautiful Sportacus uniform with the number ‘10’ on the chest, a uniform that fit perfectly! And that’s when Alex realized his destiny was to carry on Sportacus 9’s work inspiring kids like himself to lead healthy lives.

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