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The World

LazyTown is a place where loafing, lazing, and lying around are a way of life. It’s a heightened, exaggerated version of modern society, which too often encourages unhealthy habits and discourages positive ones.

In LazyTown, if you can’t decide what to watch on TV, just get ten TVs and watch everything, all at once. Tired of brushing your teeth? Get the Tooth-O-Matic 9000, a machine that auto-matically brushes your teeth for you. You can even program it to brush a set of artificial teeth, so you can be somewhere else, eating a sundae.

The people of LazyTown rely on labor-saving devices to perform even the most mundane tasks, so they’ve got gadgets for every imaginable purpose. And if they find themselves in a situation which they can’t solve with what they’ve got on hand, help is just a phone call away – they can order up even more obscure gizmos from the “Don’t Do It Yourself” catalog.

If you look a little closer, past the sea of Rube Goldbergesque gadgets, remote controls, and candy wrappers, you might notice five kids in the middle of all this, each trying to figure out what’s what.

Should they follow their parents’ example, or should they emulate that cool, acrobatic hero who lives in the giant man-powered airship that floats above the town square?
Hey, and speaking of Sportacus, how exactly did a health hero appear in LazyTown?

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