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Pixel (10 years old)

Engaged, earnest, and focused, Pixel navigates video games and electronic technology with masterful skill. But all of the hours he’s spent logged on have left him ill-prepared for the illogical and uncontrollable forces at play when he hangs with real people. The remote control he carries in his holster can’t mute arguments, or change the programming of friends, so he must either retreat to his consistent world of bits and bytes or struggle through the messy moments of friendship.

Sometimes the only way he can communicate with other kids is through his love of music. Pixel has just about every style of music available at his fingertips, and he uses it all to express his feelings. His ability and instinct to solve problems using technology are valuable when the others need to figure some-thing out, but Pixel nearly short-circuits when faced with a simple question like: “What’s your favorite color?”

Pixel has difficulty connecting with others. He admires the ease with which Stephanie makes friends, how Stingy can stand up for himself, how Ziggy is attuned to others’ feelings, and Trixie’s ability to rally a group.

Health Issue: Media Moderation

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